New Church Website  

About Our Church
Central Message
Central Calendar

Central Baptist Church Calendar And Information

Current Bulletin

..\Bulletin  07212024.pdf


AM Sunday Worship and Faith Builders is going full speed! Come and worship! All Faith Builders (Sunday School) Classes are going. Something for every age. Wednesday Activities for youth, children and adults are all on normal schedule.

 Table of contents

Sunday and Wednesday Schedule

 Current Prayerlist and Sunday Bulletin

 Monthly Events Schedule

 Workers Schedule

School Event and  Scrip Information

Details of events on the right side of page.

Sunday School, Kids Central , Youth Info. Ministry. activities info in right column


If you have any questions or comments about our website please contact James Sanchez   Email:

 New church website


Hello. How are you? We've been missing you. Your still part of the family. Call us if you need anything. Come see us.

Your CBC family ( forever yours in Christ ).

I will praise You with uprightness of heart, when I learn your righteous judgments, Psalm 119:7


   Sunday Schedule

  Faith Builders Sunday School 10:00-10:55am

Spanish Sunday School 12:00pm in the MS building

 Worship: 11:00am  (kids dismissed to  kids Central AM ) English language

  1:00 pm Spanish Language service ( In The main auditorium)

Check the bulletin for activity scheduling

 Choir Practice 5:00-6:00 pm Now practicing Christmas Music.

Special Bible Study 5:30pm (when scheduled)

Sunday Night Service at 6:00pm (When Scheduled)

   Wednesday Schedule

 Adult Prayer Meeting: 6:30 pm

Bible Study, Youth, Kids Central 6:30 pm

Praise Team Practice 5:45

Prayer Requests may be dropped in the offering plate on Sunday's. You may also call the office or drop a note off at the office  An Email would be fine. Please contact central office to update prayer list if someone may be removed from the prayer list. Let us know of answered prayers also. Look on the prayer page link for many more prayer requests and needs. Prayer list available in Sunday bulletin.

Current Bulletin

..\Bulletin  07212024.pdf


" My house is a house of prayer"

Prayer list available in Sunday bulletin

Pray For CBCS Staff

..\Teacher prayer list 2023-2024.pdf

Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart!

Event Details On the Right Side of Page. Brief Calendar



Central Baptist Church and School Calendar

Weekly/Monthly Activities Calendar  

16-22 WOL Youth Camp

30-July 5th WOL Kids Camp

July 2024


August 2024 

5-9        Teacher Pre-Service Days 

8            Parent/Student Orientation, 4-8 pm

11          CBCS Sunday at CBC 

12          First Day of School for Students 

20          Skate Night at AstroSkate 6-8pm 

26-30     Spiritual Emphasis Week 

26          Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night 



Honor our campus pastors

Tomas Pizana: Lead/Senior Pastor

Dr. Phil Nason: Associate Pastor, Choir Director

Youth Leaders: Pastor Tomas, Mandy and Haven Sherrill , Coach Williard,  Tanner Pittman, Richard and Erica Miller

Children's Leaders: Keri and Jeremy Proctor, James and Rebeckah Sanchez


Choir Practice Sundays at 5:30pm when scheduled

Spanish Church name is Aposento Alto de Brandon

 ( The Upper Room church of Brandon). Pastor Lesky Perez




 Nursery-   (as needed) Lyndia Hillman

Kids Central AM-     Leaders : Jeremy And Keri Proctor, Mrs. Pizana



Greeters:   Proctor Family


Sunday Dates

July 7, 14, 21, 28

August 4, 11, 18, 25

September 1, 8, 15, 22. 29



 School Information and Links

CBCS Event Calendar

August 2024 

5-9        Teacher Pre-Service Days 

8            Parent/Student Orientation, 4-8 pm

11          CBCS Sunday at CBC 

12          First Day of School for Students 

20          Skate Night at AstroSkate 6-8pm 

26-30     Spiritual Emphasis Week 

26          Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night 




Agenda Calendar 2024-2025

..\CBCS Annual Calendar 2024-2025.pdf


Staff Prayer list

..\Teacher prayer list 2023-2024.pdf


To Contact the school office

Call 813-689-6133 or E-mail




CBCS School News

New School Website Link


Southern Baptist History

Great Women Of Our Faith

Lottie Moon

Lottie Moon was a Baptist missionary to China in the 1800's. She gave her life for the Chinese people she was ministering to giving up her own food to the less fortunate. Annie Armstrong  was a friend  and collected money to help support Lottie Moon and others mission efforts. That is where the Lottie Moon Christmas offering for foreign missions came from that we participate in even to this  day.

Annie Armstrong

Around Easter Southern Baptists collect a special offering for  North American Missions. This is the Annie Armstrong offering. Annie Walker Armstrong (1850-1938) was a Southern Baptist believer who was very active in the Women's Missionary Union (WMU) of the Southern Baptist Church and helped to organize that organization as an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention. She was instrumental in organizing donations for the first Lottie Moon Christmas offering for Foreign Missions. She also promoted organizations for encouraging African American Baptist Women. Annie Armstrong is another example of how women of the Southern Baptist Church have been the backbone of our denomination, as they are to this day, as they labor to share the Gospel at home and around the world.

 For more info about Annie  and the Annie Armstrong Offering go to :


       Event Details and  info Below  


Please get to Sunday School and Worship on time!

  Classes available for all age groups! New Members Class. We are trying to add some new classes and are looking for teachers to help us as we grow! If you have taught Sunday School or worked with Adults, children or youth or would like to step out and try something new in service check in with one of our staff.

Kids Central AM during Sunday AM service.

Children K3-2nd grade will go directly to their very own service after Faith Builders ( Sunday School) .

If you do not make it to Faith Builders you may take  your children directly to the Kids Central Room ( old Fellowship Room) upon your arrival.


Sunday Evening Bible Studies

Not scheduled at this time but watch for special events.



Classes and locations

Middle School / High School Building

Children's Classes

1st- 2nd


Adult I

Young Married and Adults

Senior Adults  Pastor Tomas

Ladies Class: Mrs. Martin

Upper Room Spanish language church Pastor Perez

 Youth Class    Middle School/ High School Bldg.

All Sunday School classes meet at 10:00 am.

Classes available for all age groups.

Nursery Workers are needed!

We are need a nursery worker for Sunday school and another person for Worship time so we really could use your help. Workers are on a rotating schedule. Workers schedule available on the right side after  the Monthly Events calendar.

We have a need for a Nursery Director.

This will involve scheduling, care of nursery, and a lot of loving on little ones and their families. Prayerfully consider if you are right for this position and then let staff know.

If you are interested in serving in the Nursery Sunday evenings or Wednesday evenings, please contact  the office.

Ministry Opportunity

We are always in need of volunteers at the church to do a variety of jobs. If you are interested in helping check with the office to see the list of needs. Can you help with nursery, Kids Central AM and landscaping care?


Wednesday Night Activities 

Wednesday adult program led by our Pastor meets at 6:45. Meeting in the main auditorium.


Kids Central:     6:30pm-8:00 pm. Boys and girls K3-5th grade are welcome. Bible study, movies-videos, singing, crafts, snacks, board games and sports in the gym. We have a lot of fun! Special events coming up. Invite your friends and neighbors. Children meet in the old Fellowship Hall at the east side of our campus. 

Youth Activities and College: 

 6:30-8:00 pm

 We are praying for you!

You are Invited! Just4youth.   Pastor Tomas, Mandy and Haven Sherrill, Tanner Pittman, Coach Williard,  along with other volunteers   lead our  Middle School and High School Youth Program.

 On Wednesday nights Youth's meet in the gym for Bible study, music and other fun activities. Parents can pick up youths outside the gym at 8:00pm.

  6th-12th Grades. Come for Fun, Fellowship and Bible study.


Seven Daily Exercises For A Disciple Maker Notes

..\Seven Daily Exercises.pdf


Youth's In Service

Hire a youth!  Are you tired and worn out from the hustle and bustle( what's a bustle?) of the work week? Do you just need a lazy Saturday with nothing to do but tell young people what to do and actually have them do it? Then hire a youth!  They'll get'er done! Baby sitting, yard work, tree trimming, leaf harvesting, cotton picking, car/dish/dog washing teens! You name it they'll do it provided it's legal and mostly safe. All money raised helps send them to Word of Life Youth Camp and other life and faith growing events. If they collect enough they will bring them back too. See  Mandy


Invite Cards

"Invite Cards" have been printed for your use and are available in the church foyer. Please use these cards to invite those you come in contact with each day to join us at at Central!

Directory Update: If you are new to Central or your info has changed fill out an update/ info card in the foyer.  



Activity Details and Dates

Choir Practice Sundays at 5:30pm.  All are welcome to join in when scheduled.


Honor our campus pastors

Tomas Pizana Lead/Senior Pastor

Pastor Phil Nason Associate Pastor and

 Choir Director

 Youth Leaders: Pastor Tomas, Youth Pastor: Richard and Erica Miller. Helpers: Mandy and Haven Sherrill , Coach Williard,  Tanner Pittman

Lesky Perez :       Pastor Upper Room Spanish church .




Spanish Church name is Aposento Alto Brandon ( The Upper Room church of Brandon). Pastor Lesky Perez





Address/E-Mail Updates

 Members and friends of Central If you have a recent address, telephone, or e-mail change please give your current information to the office.


Missions and Church Partners

We are supporting several missionaries and their families around the country and the world.

Remember Evan West as he serves as a church planter in the Boston, Mass. area.

Pray for Eran West as he undergoes his seminary studies.

Pray for Christians all over the world where Christianity is under attack. Churches are being burned and Christians are being murdered and persecuted in the name of Islam, Hinduism and atheism. Persecution in India, Egypt, Iraq, Indonesia, Syria and various countries in Africa.

                 Pastor Youcef Naderkhani and family of Iran have suffered great  persection.



Pray for Christians in the Middle East especially Egypt, Iraq,  Iran and Syria .


402 E. WINDHORST ROAD  •  BRANDON, FLORIDA 33510  •  OFFICE:  813.689.6133 OR FAX:  813.689.0011