Baptist Church Calendar And Information
..\Bulletin 12-15-2024.pdf
CBCS Elementary Christmas program
12-19-2024 at 6pm
AM Sunday Worship and Faith Builders is going full speed! Come and
worship! All Faith Builders (Sunday School) Classes are
going. Something for every age. Wednesday Activities for youth,
children and adults are all on normal schedule.
Table of contents
Sunday and Wednesday Schedule
Prayerlist and Sunday Bulletin
Events Schedule
Workers Schedule
School Event and Scrip Information
Details of events on the right side of page.
Sunday School, Kids Central , Youth Info. Ministry. activities info
in right column
you have any questions or comments about our website please contact
James Sanchez Email:
New church website
Hello. How are you? We've been missing you.
Your still part of the family. Call us if you need anything. Come
see us.
Your CBC family ( forever yours in Christ ).
I will praise You with uprightness of
heart, when I learn your righteous judgments, Psalm 119:7
Builders Sunday School
Sunday School 12:00pm in the MS building
Worship: 11:00am
(kids dismissed to kids Central AM ) English language
1:00 pm Spanish Language service ( In The main auditorium)
Check the
bulletin for activity scheduling
Practice 5:30-6:30 pm Now practicing Christmas Music.
Wednesday Schedule
Adult Prayer Meeting:
6:30 pm
Study, Youth, Kids Central 6:30 pm
Praise Team
Practice 5:45
Prayer Requests may
be dropped in the
offering plate on Sunday's. You may also call the office or drop a
note off at the office An Email would be fine. Please contact
central office to update prayer list if someone may be removed from the prayer
list. Let us know of answered prayers also. Look on the prayer page
link for many more prayer requests and needs. Prayer list available
in Sunday bulletin.
..\Bulletin 12-15-2024.pdf
CBCS Elementary Christmas program
12-19-2024 at 6pm
My house is a house of prayer"
Prayer list
available in Sunday bulletin
Pray For CBCS Staff
Special prayer for Coach Williard as he
undergoes a difficult treatment process.
Give Thanks With A
Grateful Heart!
Event Details On the
Right Side of Page.
Central Baptist Church and CBCS
It is time for The Lottie Moon Christmas
Offering for worldwide Missions. This is how we help those whom God
has called as Southern Baptist Missionaries stay in the field and be
provided for. Please put your donation in an offering enevlope and
designate for Lottie Moon Christmas offering.
Central Christmas party. Saturday
12-21-24 at 6pm in the gym.
Weekly/Monthly Activities Calendar
Leadership Meeting Saturday December 7 at 9am. Breakfast will be
provided.December 15 at 6pm Central Baptist Christmas
Celebration. Special Christmas music and Cantata
Bring a Canned food item as a donation.
Dec 21st Saturday CBC Christmas Party. at 6pm. Fried Chicken
Dinner, bring sides and desserts. White elephant gifts will be
exchanged. There is a $20 limit.
CBCS Christmas break Dec 23 through Jan. 6th. Teachers return Jan
6th, Students return Jan. 7th.
Honor our campus pastors and ministry workers
Dr. Phil Nason: Interim Pastor, Choir Director
Praise and Worship: Rich Miller and Caryn
Youth Leaders: Youth Pastor Richard Miller,
Erika Miller, Coach Williard, Tanner Pittman.
Children's Leaders: Keri and Jeremy Proctor, James and Rebeckah
Osprey Heights Senior Residence: James and Rebeckah
Sanchez and Central Ministry staff and volunteers.
Choir Practice Sundays at 5:30pm when scheduled
Spanish Church name is Aposento Alto de Brandon
( The Upper Room church
of Brandon). Pastor Lesky Perez
Nursery- (as
needed) Lyndia Hillman
Cry Room available for small children
and parents in the rear of the auditorium.
Kids Central AM-
Leaders : Jeremy And Keri Proctor, Erica Miller
Greeters: Proctor
Family and volunteers
Sunday Dates
December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
January 5, 12, 19, 26
February 2, 9, 16, 23
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
School Information
and Links
CBCS Event Calendar
Agenda Calendar 2024-2025
..\CBCS Annual
Calendar 2024-2025.pdf
December Lunch calendar:
lunch Calendar.pdf
Staff Prayer list
prayer list 2023-2024.pdf
To Contact the school office
Call 813-689-6133 or E-mail
CBCS School News
New School
Website Link
Southern Baptist History
Great Women Of Our Faith
Lottie Moon
Lottie Moon was a Baptist
missionary to China in the 1800's. She gave her life for the
Chinese people she was ministering to giving up her own food to
the less fortunate. Annie Armstrong was a friend and
collected money to help support Lottie Moon and others mission
efforts. That is where the Lottie Moon Christmas offering for
foreign missions came from that we participate in even to this
Annie Armstrong
Around Easter Southern Baptists
collect a special offering for North American
Missions. This is the Annie Armstrong offering. Annie
Walker Armstrong (1850-1938) was a Southern Baptist
believer who was very active in the Women's Missionary
Union (WMU) of the Southern Baptist Church and helped to
organize that organization as an auxiliary of the
Southern Baptist Convention. She was instrumental in
organizing donations for the first Lottie Moon
Christmas offering for Foreign Missions. She also
promoted organizations for encouraging African
American Baptist Women. Annie Armstrong is another
example of how women of the Southern Baptist Church
have been the backbone of our denomination, as they
are to this day, as they labor to share the Gospel at
home and around the world.
For more info about Annie
and the Annie Armstrong Offering go to :