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Prayer Requests

If you have a prayer request, please submit it
to our church staff. You can tell us face to face in confidence. You can share your need in Sunday School or at any time we meet. You can call the church office at 813-689-6133 You can also e-mail us at pastor@centralbaptistlife


We believe in God's gift to us of prayer. When God's people cry out for one another asking in His will He always hears and responds. Let us share the load in your burdens and needs together with our Lord Jesus Christ

     Weekly Prayerlist

Please Contact office to update the prayer list. Let us know when a person may be removed. We would also like to report on answers to prayer

 Click on pdf link below to see the current prayer List 


Sunday Bulletin

Current Bulletin

..\Bulletin  07212024.pdf

Current Prayer list  

Prayer list available in Sunday bulletin


 " My house is a house of prayer"

Prayer list available in Sunday bulletin


James R. Scott Injured in fall

Caryn Martin health issue

Donna Rogers Sister health issue

Mandy Sherrill and Haven Health issue

Edell Butts Health issue

Mark Shumac Personal issues

Bill Williard: Side effects from on going treatment

Friends at Osprey Heights. Many needs

 Physical Needs:

    Melvin Ellsworth Passed Away

    Elva Bates

    Haven Sherrill

    Kathy and Wilson Wyant

    Scott Bates

    Edell Butts

    Joan Babb

    Jack Babb

    Karen Pekerol

    Stephen Bates

    Nico Acevedo

    Barbara Spear

    Eugene Bates

    Mary Townsend

    Jeremy Proctor

    Barbara Johnson  

    Rose Marie Bates

    Cheryl’s sister Charlotte

    Maddie Longanecker

    Mark Shumac’s wife

    Janet Coleman’s niece

    Craig and Jean Stockdale

    Sandra and family

    Gary Russell

    Carrigan Sherrill

    Beth Ray

    Victoria Jensen


    Other Needs:

    CBCS Families


    Unsaved family members/co-workers

    Law Enforcement/1st Responders


    Care givers:  doctors and nurses

    Reece Hillman

    Kelvin Ruiz









Gary and Mary (Townsend) Russell

Cody and Katie Sherrill  

Keri’s cousin

Family of Gary Sloan

Family of Bob Dickson


College Students:

Antonio Acevedo

Katie Duperrault

Olivia Niblett




***Randy and Linda Perkins-Vietnam--Pray for

        Randy, he is receiving treatment with

        Mayo in Jacksonville.

 ***Seilala Family-Papua New Guinea--Pray for

        Brenda during her pregnancy.

Blanz Family-Costa Rica

Schweitzer Family-Sunrise FL

Evan and Chelsea West-Dartmouth MA--Pray as

        Evan tries to make contacts at UMass



Stephen Bates


Family of the Week:

Mark Shumac


CBCS Staff of the Week:

Maria Hensley

Keri Proctor

Becky Shuff

Ginny Osborne

Barbara Johnson

Fran Rice


Pray For CBCS Staff

..\Teacher prayer list 2023-2024.pdf

Sunday Morning Prayer List


Pray like peoples lives depend on it, they do.


Click  on the links above for further information.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE:  Click on calendar
MINISTRIES:  Click on ministries
LATEST NEWS :  Click on calendar

Prayer list For Co-Workers

if you have any co-workers that need prayer please contact Church office,  or James Sanchez    james_sanchez@msn.com

Pray for Christians in Iraq and China and around the rest of the world.

Prayer For Missions

  Pray for Christians all over the world. Christians are under great persecution in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

   In our own country we read almost daily of schools, towns and even businesses where the enemies of God are trying to remove God from American life. They try to promote "freedom from religion" by taking away our "Freedom of Religion."  Resist! We are in the right.


Our Friends and Partners in The Faith Around the World



402 E. WINDHORST ROAD  •  BRANDON, FLORIDA 33510  •  OFFICE:  813.689.6133 OR FAX:  813.689.0011